Develop The High Productivity, Stress Tolerant, and More Nutritious Cassava to Provide Food for People in the Dry Land of Eastern Part Indonesia by Encourage Service Learning Program (KKN) for University Students


Written by : Fadhilatul Laela, Bogor Agricultural University Student

I come from a small town in the East Java province, named Tuban. In contrast to the area of Java in general, climate in East Java tends to be dry with a longer dry season. My point of reference focuses on handling the problem of hunger, drought, malnutrition, and poverty in Eastern part of Indonesia. The majority of Indonesian people consume rice as a staple food, but the dry land in Eastern Indonesia are less suitable for rice that requires a lot of water, so I proposed the planting of cassava. Many studies conducted by LIPI, IPB, and Balitkabi to produce high productivity of cassava, tolerant to pests and environmental stress, and have a high nutritional value, but not yet distributed to the Eastern Indonesia. Therefore, I would like to introduce and promote the planting of new varieties of cassava to solve the problem of food shortages in Eastern part of Indonesia.

My motivation to follow AG Youth Summit comes from my concern in the eastern part of Indonesia that is still tangled problems of hunger, poverty, and drought. Moreover, the number of Indonesian population is very large, and continues to grow over time, resulting in food shortages. This makes Indonesia is not able to provide food for people. Therefore, I want to develop cassava varieties that have high productivity and stress tolerant to provide food for people in the Eastern part of Indonesia.

Youth is the most important asset of the nation, which would lead and determine the progress of a nation or state in the future. Therefore, the role of youth is very important for the sovereignty of a country, including in terms of food supply. Youth may have an impact on sustainable food security including through program Real Working Lecture (KKN) or called Service Learning Program (SLP). Service Learning programs are required on almost all universities in Indonesia to distribute science, knowledge and technology from the university to the community. In addition, also provide direct experience for students to experience life in a village and the community, analyze the issues involved, and try to resolve the problems in the community with the knowledge gained in college. The role of agricultural students is very important in the Service Learning Program (SLP) to solve the problems of food supply from upstream to downstream, as well as the study and control of the food chain. Agricultural Students who joined SLP in the village, help farmers deal with pests and plant diseases, and environmental stresses that lowers crop yields, using science and technology that have been learned from the university. In addition, agricultural students also distributed superior seeds varieties, as well as educating farmers to make more profitable smart farming. The success of Service Learning Programs is evidenced by the success of Indonesia to self-sufficiency of food in 1984 and became the Asian tiger. But with the changing policies and leadership in Indonesia today has weakened agriculture to the brink of collapse. Therefore, it should be encouraged back Service Learning Program (SLP) to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and feed a hungry planet. Another role doing by youth is establishing and fostering Farmers Group (Gapoktan) to process agricultural products to have value added, distribute, and sell to consumers on their own to cut the mafia-controlled supply chain business by middlemen. It is very important for the welfare of farmers, feed a hungry planet, and maintain food security.

The issue of drought, hunger, malnutrition, and low agricultural productivity in Eastern Indonesia are caused because the implementation of the Service Learning program (SLP) in Eastern Indonesia is not maximal. This is due to the concentration of universities only in western part of Indonesia, and only a few university in the eastern region. Therefore, it is necessary to spread the placements of student that perform service learning program in order to reach all Indonesia. This is very important, especially to distribute superior seedlings varieties of cassava from the researcher in LIPI, IPB, and Balitkabi which has a high productivity, environmental stress tolerant such as drought-resistant, and rich in nutrients. This effort is made to provide enough food for all the people of Indonesia, eradicate hunger, and malnutrition. Drought-resistant cassava is also relevant to face the issue of global warming, and the increasing of global temperature that threatens the availability of food for all mankind. Not only to address the problems of food in Indonesia, but also the whole world. As we know, Africa needs a suitable crops grown in dry land, and high nutritious. If the Sustainable Development Goals with Service Learning Program and cassava plantation successful in Indonesia, it will be relevant also to be applied throughout the world.

The solution for dealing the problem of drought, global warming, and increases in temperature of the earth is doing research to find a suitable high-yielding varieties. After that, to introduce the superior varieties to farmers, and to spread of knowledge and new technologies, need the role of young people to do Service Learning Program (SLP) from all the university. With this process, is expected to be able to provide enough food for humans and animals in the entire world, so the hunger and malnutrition can be eliminated.

Tags: climate action, good health and well-being, No Poverty, partnerships for the goals, SDGs, zero hunger


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