The Story of Looking for True Friend

Actually I confuse, how can I start this story. I think it's about a friendship. The process of finding a true friend. I have a friend who I met in first grade of university, because we are in same organisation. The first impression is, "He is smart!!". What else? I don't know. And I never want to know before. Because we took different classes, different department, different study group, different competition team.

Until fifth semester, we never work in the same division in organisation. So, I didn't know his characteristic. But, someday we are in the same group of competition. We start to work together, and he is a good leader. Unfortunately, we never won any competition when working together. I don't know why, lol. Sometimes I wondering why? He is smart, my other friend is smart, and me too. (Note : people said I'm smart). But it's okay, it just a process of learning. We learn how to make a good paper.

But, because of working together in the same team, I know his characteristic. He is a good friend. After that, we still tried to every chance. We join several competitions in several universities, but still, never win. LOL

Time elapsed, and we start our final research. We are in the same faculty, so our research is about plants. But I failed for doing my final research, several times. And his too. Yeah, the progress of final research is not depend how smart you are. But because we are in the same boat for failed the final research, we start to share. We help each other. Why? because our friends already graduated, work, and moved to others city. They left us when we are down. Okay it's not their fault. But at this time, we need support, and we need help from others. Then, we start to help each other.

When we working together, we often sharing our story. And his story made me surprised. I never though that he had to through difficult journey of life. From his appearance it looks like comes from a complete family with middle to upper social status. But the truth made me sad because it's similar to my story. But I also impressed of him because he can be successful on academic and achievement. I know it's hard to focus on study and become the best when you have a family problem. And the problem seems never can't be solve.

At that time, I feel like I found my twin who was born from a different parent. Our birthday date is also one day adrift, so we celebrate our birthday together by visited museum. We have similar interesting. We love to read, visiting museum and art gallery. We read the similar topics and issues, about history, psychology, culture, science, and sometimes about politics, nation, and economy. He has extensive knowledge, I can ask everything to him, and he always know the answer. We can discuss so many topics for a long time without feeling bored. Actually I never had a friend like this before. His intelligence and knowledge makes me amazed.

You know I never bear to talk about trivial issues like gossiping public figure or something like that. My friend, Marchia, always said that I have very high curiosity, I want to know about everything. Since my childhood, I always asking to adult people until they cannot answer anymore. And I think, I need a brilliant friend also, to satisfy my thirst for knowledge.

We always have wonderful conversation when discuss about something. Unfortunately, we became closer in the final year of study, which mean we don't have much time to meet, discuss, visit more museum, and travel to historical places. Sorry to say, but I miss to have a friend like him. Right now we lived in different province, 700 km far away. Someday, he made a call via WhatsApp and we can discuss again. Of course I'm very happy. My brain work again. LOL

Unfortunately (too much unfortunately, I think it become my favorite word), my signal is very bad and we cannot hear the voices. And because of that, he never call me again. Honestly, I want to tell him, "Hey, my signal is good right now". But, it's funny right? so what if your signal is good? LOL

I want to make a call first, but I'm too shy. And I'm afraid if he is busy, and I disturbing him. You know, I don't like to disturbing others. Sometimes I wonder if I can play a song by Piano for him. Of course I can, in my dream, while I'm sleeping. LOL

If I have a chance, I want to play "River Flows in You by Yiruma".

I hope we can still be friend, discuss, sharing story, and sharing happiness each other. Even though we are far away. I'm grateful to have been met with you, my best friend. :)

Actually I already publish this post on 21 February 2019. But someday I feel insecure with my self, my body, my feeling, my mind, my skill. So, I took down almost all post on 2019. But right now I feel better. This is my blog, right? whatever people wanna think or talk about me.


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